Tuesday, November 5, 2013


We took full advantage of the Halloween season this year. Lucas and I visited an apple farm with our relatives in New York, took a great trip to Cox Farm with our friends, played at the Burke Pumpkin Playground, carved pumpkins and ended with the best Halloween party ever at our friend Katie's house. Quite possibly, my favorite Halloween to date.

On Halloween night, Steve and I dressed up our little fire chief and headed out to our friend's house. The kids ate "mummy dogs" while the parents drank "pina ghouladas" and then we headed out the door to trick-or-treat. Not even a little rain could stop these 6 toddlers. They trick-or-treated until their little legs couldn't carry them any further. Lucas had such a blast!

Introducing our Scottish relatives to an American pumpkin patch!

Cox Farm with our buddies! Our best attempt at a group shot... hysterically dysfunctional.
Burke Pumpkin Playground

Burke Pumpkin Playground last year/this year! That puppy costume still kills me...
The Halloween party at Katie's!

Treats for the adults... pina ghouladas!

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